Friday, February 28, 2014

Homework for the Weekend

1)  Complete THIS googleform about your final research topics.  I forgot to collect them in class!

2)  Watch (at least part II) the episode from 'Days that Shook the World' about the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.  I've linked both parts here, in case you're interested!

Part One: 

Part Two: 

This is just for fun, its produced by the BBC and its called 'Horrible Histories', this one focuses on the alliance system.  If you have two minutes to spare, give it a watch :)

Monday, February 24, 2014

Homework for 2/24

-Read 30.1 about the beginning of WWI 

-Word Web due on Wednesday

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The World Before the Great War

The World Before the Great War

Where to find this information? THIS LINK or on pg 581 in the US history book

Great Britain
German Empire
Ottoman Empire

Central Powers - Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire

Allied Powers - United States, France, Montenegro, Serbia, Russia

Monday, February 10, 2014

QUEST tomorrow

QUEST tomorrow on Global Transformations (Ch 28)

Study Guide 

General research topics due on Wednesday, February 12 (worth 10pts)

Friday, February 7, 2014

Homework for the Weekend 2/7

1)  Watch the Sochi Olympic Opening Ceremony (it will be on Friday night at 8pm - but you will also be able to stream it on youtube later)

  • What symbols of nationalism do you see present? Why is nationalism important in an event like the Olympics? 
  • What did you like about the Opening Ceremony? What didn't you like? 
  • If you could ask the Opening Ceremony organizers one question, what would it be and why? 
  • Do you think Russia showed a 'true' example of its history?  What did they leave out?  Why do you think they did? 
In a blog post on your blog, answer some/all of the questions above about the Sochi Opening Ceremonies.  

2)  Meetings about possible research topics on Wednesday.  You should have three ideas to be narrowed down.  

Monday, February 3, 2014

Homework 2/3

For tonight, Read Section 28.3

ALSO - start to look into the research topic list and pull out ideas that you think would be interesting to you to do your research on.  Even narrowing it down to 'women issues', something about native groups being affected by imperialism, or 'China' will help you figure out where you ultimately want to go.