- Students will work in groups to research instances of Child Labor in developing countries and apply current policies in rectifying those issues.
As a group, you will present a newscast of your research, which will be presented to the class on Thursday, November 21st. Students will have several days in class, and a weekend to collaborate on this project. Your research must be submitted with a fully citated bibliography in Turabian format.
Links to help you:
How to Create your Bibliography - Check 'Turabian' as your option to the right for the correct format.
World Factbook - Website maintained by the CIA that will give you all the info you need about your country.
News Report on Child Labor - In case you've never seen a news report and don't know what they look like
Questions you are researching:
About your Country Specifically:
- What is the literacy rate of your country?
- What is the average age of marriage for males and for females?
- What is the life expectancy there? What is the infant mortality rate?
- What is the average size of families/how many children do most women give birth to?
- What is the per capita income for your country?
- What type of government does your country have? (Be careful and precise here).
About Child Labor in general:
- What are the typical jobs that children work? What products are they making?
- What is the average age for starting work?
- Why are children used for this work?
- Why do families send their kids to work?
- How does this violate the UN's Convention of the Rights of the Child?
- did your country sign the Convention? Why or why not?
- What would have to happen for child labor to end in this country?
Digital Presentations will be done using Touchcast (download it ASAP)
Countries: Myanmar (Burma), Pakistan, Bangladesh, Brazil, South Africa, Indonesia, Philippines, North Korea
1 - Research to answer al of your group's question. Keep a bibliography of your sources! Download Touchcast from the app store (free). Utilize GoogleDocs and the idea that everyone can edit/add from where ever. Decide what needs to be done, who's going to do what, and why is it going to be done by. Own it - its yours. Let me know if anyone is uncooperative.
2. Write a script for your newscast that answers the above questions. The questions can be answered in any order - your goal is to create a smooth, cohesive report that makes sense to your viewers.
3. Copy and paste your script into TouchCast with your group. It acts as a teleprompter for you to read!
4. Video record yourselves (you choose what configurations, but everyone must be in it in some way if you want a grade).
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