Friday, November 15, 2013

Child Labor Project

We know that during the Industrial Revolution children were subjected to long hours of work in horrible conditions, often for very little amounts of money.  As countries like the US and England became more industrialized, groups like unions developed and helped create reforms to protect people working in factories, especially children.  However, in countries that have recently industrialized child labor is still a very real issue.


  • Students will work in groups to research instances of Child Labor in developing countries and apply current policies in rectifying those issues.  

As a group, you will present a newscast of your research, which will be presented to the class on Thursday, November 21st.  Students will have several days in class, and a weekend to collaborate on this project.  Your research must be submitted with a fully citated bibliography in Turabian format.  

Links to help you: 
How to Create your Bibliography - Check 'Turabian' as your option to the right for the correct format.
World Factbook - Website maintained by the CIA that will give you all the info you need about your country.  
News Report on Child Labor - In case you've never seen a news report and don't know what they look like 

Questions you are researching: 

About your Country Specifically:
  • What is the literacy rate of your country?
  • What is the average age of marriage for males and for females?
  • What is the life expectancy there?  What is the infant mortality rate? 
  • What is the average size of families/how many children do most women give birth to? 
  • What is the per capita income for your country?
  • What type of government does your country have? (Be careful and precise here).
About Child Labor in general:
  • What are the typical jobs that children work?  What products are they making? 
  • What is the average age for starting work? 
  • Why are children used for this work? 
  • Why do families send their kids to work? 
  • How does this violate the UN's Convention of the Rights of the Child?  
    • did your country sign the Convention?  Why or why not?  
  • What would have to happen for child labor to end in this country?  

Digital Presentations will be done using Touchcast (download it ASAP) 

Countries:  Myanmar (Burma), Pakistan, Bangladesh, Brazil, South Africa, Indonesia, Philippines, North Korea

1 - Research to answer al of your group's question.  Keep a bibliography of your sources!  Download Touchcast from the app store (free).  Utilize GoogleDocs and the idea that everyone can edit/add from where ever.  Decide what needs to be done, who's going to do what, and why is it going to be done by.  Own it - its yours.  Let me know if anyone is uncooperative.  

2.  Write a script for your newscast that answers the above questions.  The questions can be answered in any order - your goal is to create a smooth, cohesive report that makes sense to your viewers.  

3.  Copy and paste your script into TouchCast with your group.  It acts as a teleprompter for you to read! 

4.  Video record yourselves (you choose what configurations, but everyone must be in it in some way if you want a grade). 

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