Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Classwork and Homework 3/19

Hello everyone!  Sorry not there today, but in the meantime, please work on the following -

1)  Finish your battle infographic in your small groups!  Everyone stay in the room please (plenty of floor space and pushed together desks for everyone - put desks back!)

2)  Map worksheet (work independently)

3)  Begin Homework (if in class, wear your headphones)

Homework:  Watch 'Crash Course' WWI linked below - (OR CLICK THE LINK HERE)

On your blog, post your reflections to both of the following questions...

  • Was World War I worth it?  Who won?  Who lost? (think more than just battlefield victories) Explain why you think what you think!
  • Comment on the statement made by John Greene in his video, "People both make history and are made by it" (so deep).  Do you agree/disagree?  Why do you think?

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