For each of the stages of the French Revolution, your task is to write a postcard from the action in Paris to a parent who lives out in the countryside.
How to complete the project:
1) Decided your stance on the issue - do you want radical change, moderate change, or for things to stay the same? Perhaps your viewpoint will change as the events unfold.
2) Create the written descriptions of the events in the three stages of the French Revolution. The first stage should be on one card, the second on another, etc. Your written descriptions must have the underlined vocab words included for that particular phase.
3) Draw a picture that correlates to the written description. You need to make sure your postcards are neat and in color (art skills don't matter!)
4) Pass in your three postcards on Friday, September 20.
Links to the assignment can be found below:
Postcard Rubric
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