Friday, September 27, 2013

Test Review

You can find the French Revolution Study Guide HERE.

If you have your study guide completed, you can use it to help your team on Monday when we play Bazinga.

Class Notes:
French Revolution
Napoleon Bonaparte

There will be review on class and after school on Monday for anyone who wants to come.

**Note - if you're coming to extra help, bring questions and concerns with you that I can help with.  I can't reteach the class to you..figure out your weak spot and how I can help you**

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

French Revolution Class Notes

French Revolution Class Notes

Homework 9/24

For tonight for homework, read section 23.3 Napoleon Forges an Empire in your book.  Be prepared for a reading quiz (know what happened and important vocab) and have the Socrative student app downloaded onto your iPads.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

French Revolution Postcard Assignment

For each of the stages of the French Revolution, your task is to write a postcard from the action in Paris to a parent who lives out in the countryside.

How to complete the project:
1)  Decided your stance on the issue - do you want radical change, moderate change,  or for things to stay the same?  Perhaps your viewpoint will change as the events unfold.

2)  Create the written descriptions of the events in the three stages of the French Revolution.  The first stage should be on one card, the second on another, etc.  Your written descriptions must have the underlined vocab words included for that particular phase.

3)  Draw a picture that correlates to the written description.  You need to make sure your postcards are neat and in color (art skills don't matter!)

4)  Pass in your three postcards on Friday, September 20.  

Links to the assignment can be found below:
Postcard Rubric

Homework 9/18

Using the hand outs from today's class, you should read the Declaration of Independence tonight for homework.  Once you have read the document (make sure you underline/highlight/pose questions) you should find five connections between the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen and the Declaration of Independence.  POST THESE CONNECTIONS TO YOUR BLOG.

Bonus:  Pull out Enlightenment ideas from the documents and connect them to Enlightenment thinkers we discussed in class (2pts extra credit)

If you were absent, you can find the documents here:

Monday, September 16, 2013

Homework 9/16

Using a sheet of printer paper (handed out in class) you should create a visual representation of the Estates of the Old Regime.  This means symbols, pictures, but no words!

You should be able to explain your knowledge of who makes up each Estate and any relevant information having to do an Estate.

You can refer to the class notes or Section 23.1 in the book (online section here)

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Notes from Class

Generally, I will post the class notes on to the blog when we have gone over them in class.  I don't do it before because I want people to still take notes in class, and then suppliment their own notes with the powerpoints and not the other way around.  Here are the class notes thus far:

The Rise of Absolute Rulers

Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment

Note:  I applied a label to this post ('class notes').  When we have more class notes posted, you can click on the label and see everything under that category in one place - this will be helpful when studying!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Homework 9/13

This weekend for homework, please read the following section in your textbook: 23.1 The French Revolution Begins  (this is a link to an online pdf file, but it is obviously in your book as well)

Because it's the first one of the year, I will tell you that you will have a D.I.R.T. quiz in class on Monday.  It is not a major quiz and if you read the section (and take some notes/vocab) you should do fine!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Salon Rubric

Just so you guys are aware, this is the rubric that will be used to grade your participation during the Salon today.  Take a look and if you have any questions, please let me know! 


______ / 5
Student cames to the activity prepared (notes,  attire, etc) and has done extensive research on their topic.
Student is somewhat prepared (may have incomplete notes, etc) and has done some research on their topic.
Student is not prepared for the discussion (missing notes) and has done little research on their topic.  

_____ / 5
Student offers thoughtful commentary and ideas to the discussion.  Student poses questions to others and challenges ideas civilly.  Student does not dominate conversation.  
Student offers information and ideas to the conversation.  Student questions ideas discussed.  Student may add ‘extra’ commentary to the conversation that does not work with topic.  
Little to no participation by the student.  The student dominates conversation and does not allow others to share ideas.  Student is hostile and argumentative.  Student discusses off-topic issues.  

_____ / 5
Student provides valuable, correct information to the discussion.  Student is knowledgeable about Enlightenment ideas.  Student can provide evidence to back up his/her statements
Student provides correct information to the discussion.  Student has difficulty connecting Enlightenment ideas to the questions being asked.  Student can sometimes provide evidence to back up his/her statements.  
Student provides content that is not within character or is incorrect.  Student has difficulty incorporating Enlightenment ideas to the discussion.  Student cannot provide evidence to back up his/her statements .  

Extra Points = Student provided a snack for the class ________
Student dressed up in character appropriate attire ________

Homework 9/12

Final night to prepare for the in class Salon discussion.  Get your notes, your outfits, and your snacks ready for some Enlightenment goodtimes (snacks/costumes optional).

I'll see you first period!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

You are cordially invited...

to our Enlightenment salon! We will be disscussing pressing issues of the 18th century, such as the role of the monarchy and slavery.

When: 1st Period on Friday
Where: Room 222
What to bring: notes for the possession, a costume if you'd like, a snack to share (optional)

Salon Assignment
You will be expected to participate in the discussion, by asking questions and by answering them.

Remember S,P,I,C,E when you're researching!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Getting to Know The Absolute Rulers Project

You can find a copy of the assignment I handed out in class HERE

Homework for Thursday, September 5 - Begin researching your absolute ruler.  You will need to use the book or online sources (NOT WIKIPEDIA) to find what you're looking for.  You will need to keep research notes of the information you're learning and the places they're coming from.

You must create a bumper sticker for/about your Absolute ruler, which will be due in class on Friday.

In Class Friday, September 6 - We will share our bumper stickers in class along with information about your absolute ruler.  Check your assignment sheet/grading rubric for specifics.

 Homework for the weekend - You will be writing a written response to the question 'Why would anyone want this person to be their leader'?  See the assignment sheet about what content you MUST have in your response, as well as format requirements.  Response due on Monday, September 9 - PRINT IT OUT! :)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Where in the world... & Homework 9/4

Where in the world...?

Be honest with yourself, how well do you know the world?  Maybe you’re an expert, but probably not so well.  

With one partner (or by yourself), your task is to draw a map of the world.  You may use any visual aid you want, but you may not trace your map.  Make sure you include continents and oceans!  

Once you have drawn your map, brainstorm any historical events you can think of.  A freebie example of an event you might consider placing on your map: “In fourteen hundred and ninety-two, _______________________________”.  Draw this voyage on your map and label it!  Can you add any others?  You may also add modern events that are relevant to the world today.  

Homework: Blog post!  Assess your ability to draw your map.  How would you grade yourself?    Was it easier than you thought it would be?  Harder?  What does this say about your knowledge of the world?  We will do this activity again at the end of the year..what actions can you take to do better next time?