Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Class 12/17 - 12/18

In class on Tuesday, you should complete the Imperialism in Africa DBQ packet and the chart that goes with it.  Not every document has a pro/con for each topic - just fill in what's there.  If you do not finish your packets/chart in class you need to finish it for homework. 

Wednesday in class we will have a free-write using the DBQ documents/questions and your chart to answer the  following question:

Evaluate the positives and negative effects of imperialism for the colonized or the colonizers. 

The purpose/goal of the activity is to use evidence (found in the documents) to support your argument.  

Friday, December 13, 2013

In Class and Homework for 12/13

Homework:  Read the excerpt from 'Things Fall Apart' by Chinua Achebe - 'actively' read it (comments, questions you have (why did that happen?  who is he? ).  We'll talk about it Monday!

Imperialism Primary Sources

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Berlin Conference - Day One and Day Two

Day One -

You've been invited to a party at Otto von Bismarck's!  This party is called the 'Berlin Conference' and you will be hanging out with the 'who's who' of Europe.  Your goal at the party is to discuss the division of Africa.

Your Invitation - in class -> research your country's global position in 1880s..are they wealthy? influential?  territories? political structure?  what are they making?

Reference Maps 

Day Two - Scrambling for Africa Activity